Sunday, October 30, 2011

Blog Post 10

Do You Teach or Do You Educate

In this video, it helps me understand the difference between teaching and educating. Educating is what teachers should be doing. They should be educating their students and not just having them memorize information. That is something I have always thought and after watching this video, it really helped me understand why.

Don't Let Your Kids Take The Pencils Home

In this post about taking pencils home, he is using sarcasm about pencils. The kady is saying that students who take home pencils will do poorly on test because they will them for fun.

I like this post because the underlining meaning is about kids using their resources for their own way of learning. Students learn some many things in so many different ways. Who are we to stop them.



  1. Teach/Educate Exceedingly brief

    Johnson: Not sarcasm but a metaphor. You missed the metaphor. You are not the first. Additional Assignment: Read these three posts:

    1. Metaphors: What They Are and Why We Use Them

    In that post there is a Special Assignment. Do that assignment in a new post which is Additional Post #1. It does NOT substitute for Blog Post #14 as it did in the Spring semester.

    Due midnight Sunday November 20, 2011.

    2. Metaphor Discussion Update

    3. Jennifer Asked: Why Use Metaphors? Here is My Answer

    4. For more information also see:
    You Missed the Point! It's Not A Pencil…"

  2. Hi Kacie,

    I enjoyed reading your post. I'm glad to see that you knew that the difference between teachers and educators. This video helped me to see the differences also. I think we should all want to be educators and not just teachers.
    I had to read the second blog by Mr. Spencer a few time before I realized it was a metaphor. It really confused me at first, but once I realized the meaning I really liked it. I feel he really gets his point across with this blog.
    Good luck with the rest of the semester.

    -Amanda E :)
